
More Self Portraits!

I have posted on the benefits of self portraits in the past (check it out here if you missed it!), but I thought I’d re-visit with a fresh take! Self portraits don’t always have to be a simple drawing of yourself – why not change it up? For this portrait we discussed symmetry as we looked in the mirror. I then printed pictures of half of their faces and had the boys complete the other side. Some other mediums to use when exploring self portraits are: clay, wire, chalk, and paint… get creative!

What you need:

  • Printed photo of half a face
  • Marker

What to do:

  • Look in a mirror – discuss what you see!
  • Introduce the word “symmetry” and explain what it means. Revisit the mirror and see how symmetrical your faces are!
  • Offer the half picture of your child and have them complete the other side.
  • If you have done self portraits in the past, take them out and compare the progress – the proof is in the details 😉
Preschool Activities, Uncategorized

Self portraits

While teaching in the classroom I would have my students draw self portraits of themselves 3 or 4 times throughout the year. It’s amazing the growth you can see in a child just through their drawings. I also like this project because it allows each child to celebrate their uniqueness and celebrate each others differences.

What you need: Paper, crayons, mirror

What to do:

  1. Look in the mirror with your child and talk about their features, colors they may see, and point out things they may have not noticed before.
  2. Sit with your child and tell them to draw a picture of themself. Remind them of everything they need to draw such as eyes, hair, arms, etc. and encourage the use of details.
  3. When finished, have your child tell you about their picture!

*You may need to “cut your child off” – this activity can often can turn to scribbles and madness. When you feel they may be done free to stop them, give them new paper, and encourage more drawing!
