
Stars in a Jar

If you’ve followed along on our journey you know that I love a good mason jar craft… so naturally we had to make one to help expand our moon study to the rest of the sky! 

Thanks to acorns.and.aprons for providing the perfect constellation printable for this project!

What you need:

  • Mason jar
  • Foil
  • Push pins
  • Constellation pictures
  • Piece of cardboard
  • Twinkle lights

What to do:

  1. Cut a piece of foil to fit the inside of your jar. If it’s a large jar, it may be easier to work with two smaller pieces of foil.
  2. Pin foil down onto a piece of cardboard and then pin constellation pictures on top of the foil. 
  3. Use thumb tack to poke holes where the stars on the constellation are (we wiggled the pin around to make these stars bigger). 
  4. Remove pictures and poke smaller holes all over the foil to create smaller stars. 
  5. Remove all pins and roll foil (like a burrito) so that you can put it into the jar. 
  6. Place rolled up foil in jar and use a long object (like scissors) to push the foil against the side of the jar.
  7. Add tea lights and screw on the lid.
  8. Take to a dark room and try to find and identify all the constellations!