Preschool Activities, Uncategorized

DIY Maple Syrup Lollipops

With temps averaging around 10° F this week I’ve been on the hunt to find quick activities to give us opportunities to get outside – even if it’s just for a few minutes at a time. My oldest LOVES maple syrup and I remembered seeing this activity on instagram recently so I thought I’d give it a try!  Although the recipe calls for real maple syrup, all we had in the pantry was Log Cabin… it worked but the result was a hard candy rather than taffy-like. I think the important thing when choosing syrups is for it not to have high fructose corn syrup. Either way – it’s super fun and tasty!

What you need:

  • Real maple syrup – the amount you use depends on how many lollipops you want. I used about half a cup which made 5 lollipops.
  • Pan and spoon
  • Skewers or popsicle sticks
  • Snow! (If there is no snow where you live, crush some ice and spread it out on a baking sheet!)

What to do:

  1. Have an outdoor space ready for use – a clean patch of flat snow and a place to set down your pan.
  2. Inside, pour maple syrup into pan (I used our camping pan knowing it was going to get sticky and messy!)
  3. Heat until boiling while continuously stirring – will take between 5-10 minutes depending on the type of syrup.
  4. When syrup is nice and hot run it outside quickly!
  5. Pour a spoonful on the snow.
  6. Place skewer/popsicle stick on top of syrup.
  7. If you move quickly you can mold it into shape – be fast because if it’s as cold as it is here it hardens in a flash!