Preschool Activities, Uncategorized

Thirsty Plants Experiment

Why do plants need water? To stay alive of course! Adding color to water is a great experiment to show how different plants “drink” in order to stay alive. This isn’t an instant gratification experiment, it takes a few days so be prepared to wait a little while for the results.

I’ve done this experiment in the past with white flowers and also with celery, but my boys wanted to test other items so we looked in the fridge to see what we could find. We settled on celery, carrots, and cilantro – but you can use any kind of plant!

What you need:

  • Flowers, celery, or plant of any kind
  • Food Coloring
  • Clear jars or containers
  • Water

What to do:

  1. Fill the jars with water and add a few drops of food coloring – the bigger the jar the more food coloring needed.
  2. Add your plants.
  3. Make a list of questions and predictions.
  4. Wait and see what happens! After 24 hours you should be able to see some color changes!
